Fixed softlock in gate house north of Rook Town where you would be unable to move after talking to guard if standing above the table.Fixed Nurse dialogue playing directly after walking into a building if the player whited out before Condor.Fixed Sludge animation causing an error loop that would force a crash.Fixed Spelotl and Salamancer not learning Water Pulse by TM.Changed naming sequence so that backing out gives the character's default name rather than the player's name.Fixed generator entrance not cooling after venting coolant.Fixed rival remaining in Noola's Tavern once the Power Corridor quest is activated.Fixed the HFMs showing the wrong base power in their descriptions.Fixed GTS crashing when player had too many spaces in their party.Fixed overlong description on Siren Song which overflowed the text box.Removed broken Name Rater function from Mart NPCs, as player can rename from the menu.Fixed exploit where Rare Candies would allow the player to surpass the level cap.Fixed NPC in Rook Center whose dialogue didn't change after the power was restored.Fixed issue where battle sprites of shiny Pokemon would not render as such.

Fixed player getting stuck in Gatehouse doors.Removed forced modest nature from Nidora.Added shiny overworld sprites for Ledyba, Wishiwashi, Trubbish and Vilucard.Fixed Vilucard's overworld not rendering.This prominent league attracts trainers from all over the world and is structured differently from a typical Gym challenge.Īfter a championship match in Condor City, while going home, three friends meet face by face with the Alter Pokémon threat and soon after embark on a life changing journey across the Altera Region! The purpose of this League is to produce strong trainers to fight the Alter Pokémon, rewarding them with money and fame. To combat these Alter Pokémon and preserve peace and prosperity in Altera, the Altera Pokémon League was formed. However, shortly after humans began tapping into Flux energy for power, reports started to emerge about vicious, powered-up Pokémon appearing: the Alter Pokémon. The value and power of this resource led to rapid economic growth of the region. Flux is primarily used in electricity generation, but it also has applications in hand-held technologies as well as Pokémon Battles.

It is also the only place in the Pokémon world that emanates large amounts of Flux energy, a potent resource that has many uses. Welcome to Altera, a wild and diverse region that overflows with abundance as well as danger.